Michigan Homeschooling

Michigan is known as having a positive legal environment for homeschoolers. But homeschooling is more than just meeting the legal requirements. It takes committment, support, and lots of information. We've compiled the best ideas, tips, and resources for parents home educating in Michigan, and have made them accessible and easy to find.

What's Popular
North Country National Scenic Trail
The North Country National Scenic Trail links scenic, natural, historic, and cultural areas in seven northern states. The approximately four thousand mile long trail incudes a variety of hikes from easy walking to challenging treks. When completed, through the efforts of many people, the trail will become the longest continuous hiking trail in the United States. From the Missouri River in North Dakota to the shores of Lake Champlain in New York, the trail allows hikers to experience a variety of...
Wisconsin LDS Homeschool (WILDS HS)
This group is designed as a support network for homeschooling families living in Wisconsin and the U.P., who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This group has no official connection to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Protecting the Frontiers of Home Education
A look at the fight to preserve homeschooling freedoms in the state of Michigan. Contains suggestions to try to build bridges, not barriers, with the leadership of communities and government– so that the front lines of Christian liberties, which includes the right to homeschool, and Judeo Christian values are not only securely guarded, but “diplomats” are recognized should an “assault from enemy lines come our way.” Relationships like bridges are built over time, not overnight. We all bear a res...
REACH Homeschool Group - Oakland County (reachoakland)
YahooGroup support email list for members of REACH Homeschool Group in Oakland County, Michigan (Auburn Hills, Brandon, or Fenton Group).
Isle Royale National Park
Wolves and moose, the wild North Woods forest, everchanging weather and a cool climate, and the crystal clear waters and rugged shoreline of Lake Superior characterize Isle Royale National Park. This wilderness archipelago is 45 miles long and nine miles wide at its widest point. The park encompasses a total area of 850 square miles including submerged lands which extends four and a half miles out into Lake Superior. The archipelago is composed of many parallel ridges resulting from ancient lava...
Snyder v. Charlotte Schools (1984)
Snyder v Charlotte Public School District held that private school students have a statutory right to enroll in “non-core” classes at public schools.
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Multicolored sandstone cliffs, beaches, sand dunes, waterfalls, inland lakes, wildlife and the forest of the Lake Superior shoreline beckon visitors to explore this 73,000+ acre park. Attractions include a lighthouse and former Coast Guard life-saving stations along with old farmsteads and former logging trails. The park is a four season recreational destination where hiking, camping, hunting, nature study, and winter activities abound. At its widest point the Lakeshore is only five miles and hu...
Catholic Homeschoolers of Wisconsin
This is a private list for leaders of Catholic homeschool support groups within the state of Wisconsin (or in border towns in Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and UP Michigan). It is a place to exchange information that may be of interest to Catholic homeschoolers throughout the state. It is also a forum for the dissemination of statewide invitations to various Catholic homeschooling events, such as conferences, graduations, dances, etc.
Legal/Political Information for Homeschoolers in Michigan
A short guide to the legislative contacts in Michigan and at the federal level.
Keweenaw National Historical Park
Keweenaw National Historical Park preserves the heritage of copper mining in this unique setting amid many of the original structures and landscapes of the copper era. Keweenaw National Historical Park, along with its cooperating sites, strives to interpret the "historic synergism between the geological, aboriginal, sociological, cultural, technological, and corporate forces that relate the story of copper on the Keweenaw Peninsula." The Park is located near Calumet.
This discussion group serves homeschooling parents in SE Michigan, providing online communication and connections with other WTM/Classical families or those interested in implementing WTM/Classical ideas. The group offers a forum for discussion of classical education as well as notice, discussion and planning of events in the SE Michigan area. Discussions involving the use of Charlotte Mason methods and other classical interpreters are also encouraged.
Home School Blessings
Home School Blessings is a Christian home educators association created to bring Christian, home schooling families together through the love for God.
Detroit Zoological Park
The Detroit Zoological Park consists of 125 acres of naturalistic exhibits. The Detroit Zoo is a natural habitat for more than 3,000 animals and 700 varieties of trees, shrubbery and flowering plants. Of the 340 species at the Zoo, 64 are officially listed as endangered or threatened and two are extinct in the wild. Major exhibits include the Arctic Ring of Life, the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery, Great Apes of Harambee, Penguinarium, free-flight aviary, Holden Museum of Living Reptiles, the Nat...
Lenawee Involved in Family Education (LIFE)
Lenawee Involved in Family Education (LIFE) is Lenawee County's largest homeschool support group. LIFE membership is open to families pursuing Christian home education. As a cooperative support group, members assist with planning and conducting training and programs for students and families. They have activities year round, seminars, mentoring for new homeschool families, guest speakers from all over Michigan and neighboring states that have dedicated their lives to Homeschooling. The annual m...
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore encompasses a 60 km (35 mi.) stretch of Lake Michigan's eastern coastline, as well as North and South Manitou Islands. The park was established primarily for its outstanding natural features, including forests, beaches, dune formations, and ancient glacial phenomena. The Lakeshore also contains many cultural features including a 1871 lighthouse, three former Life-Saving Service/Coast Guard Stations and an extensive rural historic farm district.
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A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning
Now you can realize the joy filled homeschool of your dreams! This modern classic is written by the homeschool mom who first carried Charlotte Mason's writings to America in her suitcase in 1987. Miss Mason's books were soon republished for a new gen...
Name That Country Game
"Dear Pen Pal, Konnichi wa! We've been to see Mt. Fuji. Name my country! Sayonara, Michiko." Challenge your group with this fast-paced geography game, created in 1992 by Educational Insights, Inc. Everyone begins at the post office. Players twirl a f...
More Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual
After providing an important work in explaining the Charlotte Mason method for homeschoolers, Catherine Levison goes deeper into the use of this method in the home with her subsequent work. This book expands the information from the first book and of...
Montessori Reading
Montessori Reading is a beginning reading and writing program for elementary aged children. This series of books introduce phonetic letter sounds, phonogram combinations, reading simple sentences, and reading and writing words that name everyday obje...
Greenleaf Press
Greenleaf Press is a small family-owned and operated publisher and supplier of quality books for children. They are committed to "twaddle-free", living books, and approach teaching history to children using biography and chronology. You will find sec...
Quote of the Day

The education of a man is never completed until he dies.

Robert E. Lee